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Palermo Arab Norman and Monreale Cefal cathedrals and buildings constituting lâ Arab-Norman route are an outstanding universal value as an example of coexistence and interaction between different cultural components of historical and geographical diverse backgrounds (cultural syncretism).
This phenomenon has created an original architectural style admirably blended Islamic and Byzantine elements Romanesque, able, from time to time to occur in unique combinations, of exalted artistic value and extraordinarily Unitarian.
Inscription on the World Heritage list Unesco: Bonn (Germany), 28 June â € "July 8, 2015 enrollment Policy (ii):
exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a long period of time or to the inside of a world cultural area, on developments of â architecture, technology, monumental arts, town planning and design of landscape;
(iv): be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or a landscape, which illustrious one or more from sitiunesco.it important stages in human history.